Getting to Know Who You Really Are

This is a question many of us have struggled with throughout our lives. I can honestly say that I didn’t truly even begin to understand who I was until my mid-thirties, and not on a really deep level until my mid-forties.

So, no matter what age you are, you can always take the time to ask yourself questions that might help you to understand why you might do the things you do. 

Or, even more importantly, why you feel the way you do. 

Before I recognised I was an empath, for a lot of my life, the things I did and the way I felt changed depending on the people I cared about, and who was in my life. They still do now, but I can now feel the difference between my emotions and when I’m taking on somebody else’s emotions.

I had questioned many times throughout my life why I couldn’t just stay strong with my beliefs, but, as I began to understand energy more, I realised that I was taking on everyone else’s emotions, and that’s why I was confused with thinking one thing and feeling another, and how that could change so rapidly.

Now, of course, I understand that an empath feels all the emotions of everyone around them. 

Obviously not everyone is an empath, but even those who aren’t can still be majorly affected by those around them if they don’t have a strong understanding of who they are. 

I really wish I was aware of my emotional intelligence in my twenties, and life may have been a lot easier. 

Because of this, I tried while raising my children (who are now all in their twenties) to help them understand the importance of energy and being true to themselves. 

It’s still a learning curve that we all must go through, but seeing my children tackle the obstacles that life throws at them with a little more understanding of who they are, makes my heart full. 

If I could go back and tell myself anything, I would say:

It’s okay to make mistakes.

It’s okay to not fit in.

But there’s no escaping you, you have to live with yourself every second of every day for the rest of your life.

Not the people around you.

Take the time to be happy no matter what.

And be your authentic self always. 

Because YOU are incredible and the authentic you is totally worth it.


We’re all guilty of just going through the motions of life, and we don’t even realise we’re doing it.

Not until we force ourselves to stop.

My desire is to see us all asking the big questions.

I suggest putting aside a couple of hours a week (if not more) for yourself, as if you are going on a date with yourself.

Allow the conversation to get deep.

The deeper the better.

It’s so crucial to take the time to learn about ourselves. And then take what we have learned and make some positive changes in our lives.

When it comes to these questions, there are no right or wrong answers.

Take the time to feel into your body, rather than writing down the first thing that comes to your mind.

This may seem hard but you’re worth the effort.

And, when you break it down into smaller bite size pieces, it’s truly not hard at all. 

Then take the time and see how you can implement some of the things you’ve learnt about yourself in your everyday life.

As I continue to say, be curious.

Putting a playful aspect into it takes away the pressure that many of us put on ourselves. 

I encourage you to continue to ask yourself questions outside of the ones I have written below. 

Depending on how deep you go the first time, you may want to circle back to some of these questions as your spiritual awareness grows. 

Once you’ve taken the time to answer these, looking at them from your perspective, dive deeper into the beliefs and thoughts that aren’t actually your own but ones that were given to you while you were growing up.

I wrote a really interesting article called, ‘Developing the emotional skills we didn’t learn from our parents’. If you have the time, please pop over to my website and have a read. 

To shake things up in life, we need to ask the big questions. 

I can guarantee some of these questions will be challenging.

They may leave you a little stumped or confused.

They may even bring about some feelings that you didn’t know you had.

So, go gently and stop whenever you feel overwhelmed.


It might amaze you what emotions you have hidden behind the strong walls you’ve built up to protect yourself.

And once you’ve opened the door to the truth, you can start to break down those beliefs to live your happiest life.

And, perhaps, even talk with your loved ones about what you’ve learnt. 

So, let’s get started:

1. In your life right now, doing what you’re doing and living how you’re living… Are you happy? If not, what do you think you need to be truly happy?

2. What would a perfect day look like to you?

3. What brings you joy?

4. Is there an area of your life you want to improve in?

5. What are you grateful for?

6. If you could change just 1 thing about your life, what would you change? If any. 

7. What are 3 things you love about yourself?

8. Is there anything you are worried about right now?

9. Do you spend too much time on your phone and not participating in life?

10. What are you good at? 

11. Is there anything you have been wanting to try or do but haven’t?

12. Do you have a personal mantra or positive affirmations you say to yourself? Or is there one that you maybe should adopt?

13. Do you feel fulfilled? 

14. What is something that makes you feel better and can pull you out of a depressed or angry mood?

15. What have you accomplished and are proud of?

16. What is one thing you want to work on?

17. What do you spend the majority of your time doing?

18. How do you treat those closest to you?

19. What does an ideal life look like to you?

20. Do you compare yourself to others?

21. Do you feel other people’s emotions? If so, do you take on those emotions and allow them to affect you?

22. What are some things you would like to learn? (Example: How to heal your past wounds, emotions, etc.)

23. Do you say NO when you want to?

24. What’s holding you back from living the life you would like to live?

25. What are 5 things that can put a smile on your face no matter what?

26. Can you think of a moment in time when you’ve truly felt loved by yourself or someone else? If so, I want you to create a set point there, so you can call on that emotion or moment in time whenever you need to remind yourself how loved you are. 

27. What does it take for you to feel loved by yourself or someone else?

28. Is there something inside you that is blocking love from your life? Maybe a belief or a past experience.

29. Do you ever underestimate yourself? If so, name a time where you underestimated yourself and why you did it?

30. What lies do you continuously tell to those around you? (Example: “I’m good.”)

31. What is your happiest memory?

32. Are there any lies you’ve been telling yourself regularly? (Example: “I’m ugly,” “Why am I so stupid?” “Noone loves me,” etc.)

33. What is your biggest self-limiting belief?

34. If you could have any career, what would it be?

35. What is the #1 problem that you see in society? Is there anything you could do to help solve this issue?

36. What are you truly passionate about?

37. What gifts or talents do you have that you typically hide from yourself or others?

38. Is there anything in your life that you are ashamed of?

39. What legacy do you hope to leave behind once your time on Earth is over?

40. What is your greatest fear?

41. Do you believe that everything happens in your life for a reason?

42. What is your proudest accomplishment in life?

43. Do you prefer to spend time alone or with other people?

44. Would you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert?

45. Are you energised by being with others or spending time alone?

46. Do you ever waste time wondering what people say about you behind closed doors? If you do, why?

47. Do you feel like you know your purpose in life? If so, what is it? If not, is there anything holding you back from discovering your purpose?

48. What would you consider to be your biggest failure in life?

49. How do you feel and react when you fail?

50. Do you rely on others to tell you what to do or how to act? If so, how can you remove this expectation and act based on your own beliefs?

51. Are there areas of your life that you notice you compare yourself to others? Your body, your job, your friend group, etc.

52. What are your short-term goals?

53. What are your long-term goals?

54. What is one goal you have that is so big it scares you to even write it down?

55. Are you taking steps to achieve any of these goals?

56. When something bad happens, do you tend to place blame on yourself, those around you, or a greater power and believe there is something you are meant to learn from it?

57. How is your relationship with money?

58. Do you believe in a greater force? Whether that is religious or simply believing in the power of the Universe?

59. Are there people in your life that bring you down, hold you back, or fail to bring you joy? If so, is there a way that you could rid them from your life or confront them with your problems?

60. What would it mean to live your happiest life being your truest self every day?


Vanessa McBroom