

Is this you right now?

Are you:

  • Noticing you’re having strong emotional or physical reactions in situations that don’t quite make sense to you?

  • Experiencing mysterious or hereditary health symptoms?

  • Starting to cycle through issues that you’ve noticed other family members experience.

  • Picking up your kids repeating old family beliefs that aren’t serving them?


Then the time is now. 

 It’s time to re-connect with your soul’s pure essence and heal intergenerational trauma and free yourself and your family from repeating the same patterns and limiting beliefs over and over.


It’s no accident you ended up here now.

You are ready to make the changes you desire.


It’s time to give back to you.


Let’s jump right in and quantum leap the changes your soul is longing for.



Because holistic health - mind, body & soul is how everything else falls into place.

My healing journey began when my health took a rapid downturn and nothing seemed to be working. I started turning to alternative options and researching ways to heal myself, but as I continued along the path, I discovered that my physical health declining was just a symptom of a much deeper cause.

 This is something we learn as we expand our bandwidth.

As I started to unravel with deep cellular and spiritual healing, it became clear that I was carrying around deep seeded family trauma from not only my life, but that of my parents, grandparents and that of many within my lineage.


We keep repeating patterns and pain over and over again. Passing them on to our children, who then continue the cycle.


I had ENOUGH! I didn’t want my children to relive any of the traumas that I was starting to heal, so I dedicated myself to liberating my own lineage. I decided to heal the past pain in my ancestral lineage, by heal myself, to make sure it stopped with me.


I’m deeply passionate about this work, and so I created this special program to support and guide you to do the same.




Each and every one of us are on our own unique journey, and our time working together will look different for everyone.

During these sessions we will:

• Awaken your soul

• Re-connect you with your true authentic self

• Heal the pain of the child within you

• And discover the purpose behind your time here on Earth

We work in a co-created space together and allow your body to be our guide. Your journey will be taken in many different directions, utilising many tools along the way.


Our souls crack open and erupt at their own pace, so be gentle and loving with yourself.  Allow yourself all the time and space you need to feel what is really going on.


During your Liberate Your Lineage Transformational Journey, we will tap into the resources your body has to offer.


Together we will weave an entirely new way of living:


*  Listen to your body and see how it’s energetically functioning.

-  Brain, Kidneys, Digestion, Liver, Heart, Nervous System, Endocrine System - wherever your body takes us.


*  Reconnect you to your Soul. 

-  Explore your souls past lives and ancestral karma.

-  Clear lineage trauma.


*  Reunite your body to the flow between Earth & Spirit.

-  Focus on your energy fields flow & expansion and weave new possibilities into a more expanded field.

-  Explore your relationship with your Feminine / Masculine energy and unify this energy so your body can live in a state of balance and harmony.

 -  Embody, release and heal your inner child trauma.

*  Bring awareness to the conflict that occurs within yourself and your family.

-  Balancing the polarities within the heart, mind and soul to enable them to harmonise

*  Upgrade your energy

-  Shed some of your 3D layers to allow space for some light codes to integrate with your cells to reveal why that one family member sparks such a reaction in your body and your energy field.

*  Weave higher intentions into your field

-  Still your mind from all the chatter so your soul, your mind and your emotions aren’t taking such an opposite stance when you’re confronted with those who trigger you.


* Supercharge the way you live in a state of magnificence.

-  Increasing your personal power, speak your truth, acknowledge that your greatest awakening has come from your deepest trauma and you now resource limitless power and live in a continual state of understanding and gratitude.


*  Integrate and acknowledge the higher frequency your mind, body & soul now runs at.

-  You will be downloading new codes and blueprints showing you your next step.  Live at this frequency and know that you are now connected to your infinite source and the possibilities are endless.


We will work with many different modalities and tools during our Energy & Soul Medicine sessions, the following are some tools we may utilise:

◇   Emotional Embodiment

◇   Energy Healing

◇   Kinesiology

◇   Meridians

◇   Soul Centres

◇   Charkas

◇   Brain Balance

◇   Healing Archetypes

◇   And many more


I am with you every step of the way to support you on this journey.

Included in this package :

12 x 1 : 1 90 minute sessions - In Person or via Zoom (fortnightly)

6 x 1 : 1  30 minute chat - via Zoom to connect and support (monthly)  

I also include online support via messenger or email in between each session.

Total Investment : $1995

Have questions or want to meet me first?

Let’s have a free, no obligation soul chat.


Busting to kickstart your Liberation? Let’s go!

Or, let’s make it simple and easy with a payment plan of 6 x $340 per month ..



You can build your strength from your pain.

You can crack your heart open and fully connected to your soul.

You can be fierce & powerful and at the same time, soft and full of love and compassion.

The choice is yours.