
|| Two Month Healing Package ||

Do any of these feel familiar to you?

Do you wake up in the morning and before you’ve even got out of bed wish your day was already over?

Do you walk through your day in a daze and don’t really engage in what’s going on?

Do you feel as if you live the same day, over and over again?


Well perhaps it’s time to stop!

Take a breath and acknowledge what’s really going on.
You’re running on auto pilot.
And you’ve forgotten who you really are.


It’s time to give back to you.


Allow me to help you strip away the masks you hide behind and find your true authentic self.

During our sessions we will tap into what your body truly desires.  

We work in a co-created space together and allow your body to be our guide.

This journey can be taken over 1 or 2 months depending on your souls desire to erupt.   



During your embodiment we will:

*  Listen to your body and see how it is energetically functioning.

*  Reconnect you to your Soul. 

*  Reunite your body to the flow between Earth & Spirit.

*  Integrate all we have uncovered and ignite your spark.



We will work with many different modalities and tools during our Energy & Soul Medicine sessions, the following are some tools we may utilise:

◇   Emotional Embodiment

◇   Energy Healing

◇   Kinesiology

◇   Meridians

◇   Soul Centres

◇   Chakras

◇   Brain Balance

◇   Healing Archetypes

◇   And many more

Peek Into The Possibility - 2 Month Experience

Included in this package:

4  x  1 : 1,  90 minute sessions

In Person [Buderim, QLD] or via Zoom

I also include online support via messenger or email in between each session.

Total Investment  :  $595

Have questions or want to meet me first?

Let’s have a free, no obligation soul chat.

Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Or, let’s make it simple with a 2 x $300/mth Payment Plan.

 I am with you every step of the way to support you on this journey.



Even though your Journey so far may have been long and tough,
be grateful for the experiences you have lived,
for those experiences have created the person that stands here today.