Soul Radiance

There comes a moment in our lives when many of us grow out of the collective energy and grind society has had us contributing to.  

We realise that the values, attitudes, relationships, and beliefs we’ve held, no longer contribute to the development of who we truly are, our authentic selves.

This soul-awakening (though we see it as a life crisis at the time), albeit painful, provides a vital opportunity for us to begin our spiritual journey toward wholeness and wellness.

This may look like walking away from friends or family members who are no longer healthy for us, or recognising that we’ve been like a little worker bee on autopilot, not really knowing why we’re doing what we’re doing.

A lot of us are on autopilot, striving for a better life, but a better life by whose standards?

I’m all for striving to achieve our personal best, and teaching our children the value of commitment and achievement, but somewhere along the way, our values can become more about doing than being.

We need to allow space for our soul to communicate with us. We need to immerse ourselves in the culture that feeds our soul and brings meaning to our life. 

To be human means to live, feel, and experience every opportunity life has to offer, it doesn’t mean to push and hustle and work yourself into the ground, or to be a doormat to others. 

Balance is vital. And, even though a soul awakening in the early stages is usually brought about through a dark night of the soul with a life-altering trauma or crisis, there are definitely more graceful ways to be on your spiritual path.

Soul searching doesn’t have to be hard work, it can be as simple as resting, sitting in stillness, being less productive, listening to your body instead of your mind, allowing and accepting what is, and recognising that the way you speak to yourself is so important. 

Love yourself, praise yourself, show that little girl or boy inside how proud you are of who she/he has become. It’s not about beating yourself up for the mistakes you’ve made, it’s about being proud that you’ve recognised those mistakes and your conscious working to improve yourself. 

Go out in nature and connect with the earth, the trees, the birds.

Become one with the collective hum of Mother Nature’s natural rhythm. 

Remove yourself from the screens and the constricting feeling of 4 walls and a ceiling, and feel the sun on your face, the wind in your hair, and connect with the beauty that is all around you. 


While our current personal and global situations may be disheartening at the moment, where we are individually is a natural result of depriving ourselves of experiencing a wider reality. Failing to expand our consciousness beyond a purely material and individualistic view of ourselves and the Universe.

If we continue to numb out the cries from our soul for acknowledgment and compassion, our soul will quite literally take over and command us to listen. Soul has the ability to turn our lives upside down in an instant, and bring our bodies to a screaming halt if it feels it’s the only way to make us listen.

But we have the ability to build up our resources before we get to that point.

We don’t need to keep pushing and waiting for that breakdown or that illness to occur. Take little steps each day to relax your nervous system and bring yourself back to homeostasis. 

Start noticing the messages of your intuition, start listening to something that’s beyond logistical thinking and beyond the 3D experiences you know as life, and begin to recognise that there’s a rhythm between your body, your soul, and even the circumstances that you find yourself in. This expands far beyond this earthly existence, it stretches out through all areas of the Universe. 

Give yourself permission to dream, take up space, and live, not only for yourself but for the future you. Be the guiding light that shows your soul how you want your life to be. Don’t wait and leave it up to chance in years to come because that moment will never come. Show yourself now that you are the number 1 thing on that to-do list. 

And, if you don’t consider yourself important enough to make the change, imagine your son or daughter or someone you truly care about and show them. Lead by example. Let them see that there is a better way of living because, once you stop and put yourself first, you’ll realise the way you were living wasn't living at all. 


Uncovering the deep, intimate ways your body and soul wish to co-exist is a beautiful unravelling of the multidimensional universe within each of us.

We’ve been conditioned to protect ourselves against the world, the doubt, the fear, the chaos, the oppression, but what our soul is really crying out for is, Capital ‘T’ Soul Truth. 

Collapse all your walls and open yourself up to pure consciousness, to personal freedom, to liberating the energetic make-up of the generations that came before you, and be completely open to pure SOUL.

Rewild your nervous system and alchemise your past and future energy to infuse the multidimensional field with your truth and the essence of your soul.

To do this, we have to feel the full range of emotions, from ecstasy to agony, from joy to grief, from love to loss.

No bypassing the difficult parts of being human, not if we want to truly experience bliss.

None of us can avoid the highs and lows, or the separation, if we want to truly be in union. 

We can’t pretend the pain isn’t there if we want to truly heal. Personally and collectively.

If we close our hearts off to grief, we risk being able to fully experience the joy of tasting the pure sweetness life has to offer us.

Like magnets, opposites attract, one can’t fully exist without the other.

So, recognise the similarities, but celebrate the full spectrum.

There’s no better way to truly discover who you are than to feel.

See every situation as an invitation to discover yourself more.

Don’t focus on the other person's imperfections or habits, focus your energy on understanding how that issue is allowing you the opportunity to step closer to the person your soul knows you to be.

Celebrate the diversity we all bring and rejoice in the collective collaboration.

Because without dark, there is no light.

Without yin, there’s no yang.

Without fear, there’s no love.

And without endings, there’s no beginning.


My vision and purpose has always been to provide support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. Now, as my soul evolves, I find myself laying a pathway to help with self-discovery, self-understanding, and self-compassion.

Until we become aware of our inner dialogue, we are literally our own worst enemy and we don’t even realise it.

Society is increasingly becoming more superficial, and mainstream media programs us from a young age to believe a materialistic world is one we should strive for. Unfortunately, it fails to even address or discuss the importance of a soulful world.

We need to transcend the values of a society that perceives the world in a fragmented and materialistic way, and strive towards creating a world that is sustainable, collectively beneficial, and supports individual spiritual thirst for a more whole, fulfilling life.

To live wisely, love wholeheartedly, and mature fully as individuals, and collectively as a species, we must develop our inner world just as much as our outer one.

We must learn how to explore the wider realms of our consciousness, appreciating that all life is an interconnected web, an energetic essence that is woven with Universal energy, soul, and the human spirit. 

One of the ways we know how to do this, is to change our way of thinking, being, and behaving by cultivating spiritual maturity: to follow inner work paths and techniques that lead us towards a more soulful, caring, and humane way of existing.

It is time to understand that we are spiritual beings that need soulful sustenance, not soulless automatons who exist solely to indulge our minds and bodies.

To do good and be good in this world, we must act from a place of inner freedom, of soulful liberation, of freedom from all of our emotional and mental needs that are tainted by self-gratification, power, and control.

To find this freedom, we need to go through a spiritual awakening to discover our authentic being. If this is something you too desire, perhaps ‘Discover your soul radiance’ the second pillar of my Liberate Your Lineage program is just what you’re looking for. Please reach out for a no-obligation chat. I offer free 30 minute soul calls to help alleviate the overwhelm.


Vanessa McBroom