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Energy & Soul Medicine has transformed my life.

Here is my story ..

I was caught up in the rat race of life, never feeling I had time to look after myself. 

Everyone and everything in my life was far more important than I was.

Sound familiar?

Well as I mentioned previously, at the end of 2017 my life came crashing down. I had undergone many life changing events during the previous 4 years. I had cared for my mother and helped her transition from this world, I had re-entered a more corporate world and I was then caring for my father who was 90 years old.


I was dealing with Adrenal Fatigue, low Kidney function with the possibility of dialysis, an under-active Thyroid and the majority of my organs and glands were slowly shutting down. My will to live was at an all time low and even though I was the main carer for my father, I had got to the point where I was unable to care for him, my children and most definitely not myself. I was in denial that my body was shutting down.

My soul was crying out for help and I just didn’t realise it.


Amongst the turmoil of my everyday life, I had spent the entire year with Doctors, Naturopaths, Homeopaths and Pathologists, trying to figure out what was happening and why. I had undertaken so many tests I had lost count.  I had spent thousands of dollars and was still no better off than I was at the beginning. I was more unsure than ever, why this was happening to me.


Then my body begged me to ask Melissa Sandon, the founder of the Soul Medicine Academy, for help. During our session my soul found just what it was looking for - HOPE. 

A spark was ignited in my heart once again.

It was something that felt so familiar, but had been pushed down deep and shut away for the past 4 years.

As I rested over the Christmas/New Year period something special was happening, my soul had started the healing process and she acknowledged that life was about to change.


How right she was... That year was an incredible year of growth, healing, learning and coming back to life.

I reunited my soul with my body and let her know she will never be forgotten or ignored again.

I started my Energy and Soul Medicine Practitioners Certification and it completely changed my life. My health improved, my soul came back to life and my energy levels skyrocketed.

I found the smile that use to be my best friend and I felt like a woman with endless possibilities. I now have so much LOVE & GRATITUDE to share with the world.


I have since devoted my time to also completing Advanced Energetic, Embodied Soul Guides, Healing Archetypes, Advanced Soul Centres and the list goes on.


With the knowledge & understanding of our energetic body, I was able to help my father transition from this world completely free of guilt and regrets.  During his last few months I helped him clear generational karma that had tormented him his entire life.  We were also able to dissolve all energy around the trauma we both carried from my childhood and we cleared all patterns to stop history from repeating itself ever again.


I hope this helps explain (just a little) the healing powers within us and why I have chosen to help others discover their own unique healing gifts.