Finding Yourself

The truth is, most people feel lost at some stage throughout their life, perhaps even when they seem like they have everything together. 

I have felt this way many times before and the scary thing is, sometimes it doesn’t take much to throw us completely off course. So if you currently feel this way, please don't feel discouraged.

The last few weeks have really spun me off my axle. Grief and sadness had started to feel like the norm, so I felt it was time to spend some time finding myself. This doesn’t have to be an all-consuming task, it can be as simple as resetting yourself and connecting back in with soul.

Life will do its best to throw us off our path, but it's when life is far from perfect that we learn who we are and how we can best deal with it.

If anything, it's more important to understand who you are and what you want, rather than doing what society dictates as correct.

If you feel lost right now, then you're probably on the right path to discovering your authentic self.

It's only when we become complacent and don't question our surroundings that we head down the road to nowhere.

So perhaps you’re at a junction in your life. Up until now, you’ve been on your ‘life path’ and now you’re awakening to your ‘life destiny’.

I used to look at this with mixed emotions, going round in circles but not truly understanding the value of where I was, at that exact moment.

Losing ourselves is actually part of our destiny.

We’re meant to lose ourselves to enable us to get to a point where we start searching for ourselves again.

We come into this world with a life path.

Our soul has chosen the people who are our birth family, and along with that comes many predetermined obstacles we will need to navigate.

This is all part of our soul's plan to determine our destiny.

If we manage to navigate these challenges and rediscover our soul in its pure form, we will then have the ability to create our legacy and fulfil our destiny.

So please don’t get to any point in your life and beat yourself up, because right at that very moment, you’re exactly where your soul wants you to be.

What your soul wants you to know

You are a beautiful extension of Source energy.

You are unconditionally loved and supported, even when you don’t feel like it. 

She wants to connect with you. She wants you to hear her words and to feel her love.

You’re not separate from anyone, and your imprint is unique to you.

No matter what you have done or who you were in the past, you are now and always will be the light.

Nothing is impossible, you can change your life and your feelings with a breath and a shift of perception.

Everything happens for you, not to you. 

You are undeniably a piece of the universe. 

You matter just as much as anyone else.

You are divinely beautiful.

You are deeply loved.

You have the ability to communicate with your soul, it’s as natural as breathing. You have just learnt to block her by limiting your awareness with continual distractions.

You can connect with her, and breathe in this love at any time.

You have a divine purpose! Keep going and grow and flourish. 

Get out of your comfort zone, you will undoubtedly surprise yourself.

Feel your body, love your body, know your worth, see your beauty, feel its love, give your love.

You are a cell in the body of Earth and without you, the balance would be off.

You have a purpose, and a reason, for being.

Remember your light and follow where you are guided.

You are an endless flow of energy, ever-evolving and changing. Even after your body has left this Earth.

You have seasons, just like the weather, just like the ebb and flow of the ocean, you too are meant to flux with your soul and the environment you’re surrounded by.

Allowing your soul to guide you home

At the start of this journey, your soul will be continually trying to get your attention. During this time it’s extremely common to feel confused and even disoriented.

Many believe the path to enlightenment to be full of uplifting and divine moments, which it certainly is, however, this path will undoubtedly also lead you through a dark night of the soul, which is part of your path to self-discovery and sovereignty.

It’s completely different for everyone, but as many of us know, going through a spiritual awakening is definitely worth the ride.

When we acknowledge the signs and actively participate in the changes our Soul is asking of us, our life begins to transform into something meaningful and significant. 

We start to see the possibility in the choices that are presented to us and the heaviness starts to lift.

On the other hand, if we ignore the signs and continue on the same path, our life may begin to feel even more empty and meaningless than before and we may wind up feeling more lost and alone. I can speak from experience when I say, we’re not alone, but that’s exactly how we feel.

When we feel connected to soul, we create a feeling of oneness, and that feeling of oneness creates more connections.

Little synchronicities begin to create bigger synchronicities until soon everything around you starts to link together and the patterns begin to appear.

We actually begin to see and feel the effects that even the smallest change makes, just like we can see the ripples in a pond long after the thing that made them is gone.

This is when the fun begins, you start to notice that you have the ability to create the life you desire. You are the gift your life has been waiting for. It’s up to you to start following the breadcrumbs to see where your Soul is guiding you.


1. Recognise you have far more power over your life than you think you do.

We all have so much talent, gifts and potential waiting for us to tap into. But we sit back waiting for the Universe to hand us a blessing, when the reality is, we’ve already been given what we need to fulfil our purpose.  We just haven’t realised they’ve been sent to us as challenges instead of blessings.

2. Take time to learn about yourself. 

It’s time to start being more unapologetically you, accepting yourself in ways that maybe once seemed impossible.

Likewise, recognise that you are unique, and your quirks make you who you are. 

This process may even uncover passions you were unaware of, buried deep beneath perhaps some self-loathing or sabotage mechanisms. 

As we start to unpack our thought patterns, belief systems, and tendencies, we may well realise that we aren’t as bad as we have convinced ourselves we are, or we may recognise some habits that need to be addressed. 

3. See the positive in every occasion.

The negative things in our life are there to help us appreciate the positive. 

Like attracts like, so by being grateful for the things in your life, will attract more of the things you want. 

Being grateful creates a shift which enables you to see things, even your resources from a different perspective.

4. Be intentional about every moment.

Sometimes, we can become so fixed on what lies ahead of us, that we completely neglect the present.

Being intentional is about making everything align with your goal or passion and constantly reminding yourself how you wish to live. It means being purposeful about how you spend your time and who you spend your time with to create a life of meaning.

5. Follow your passion.

Most people have a passion, but they choose to believe that everything else is more important. They push it to the end of the to-do list and tell themselves that when everything else is done then I can do it. The problem with that is, that every time we cross one thing off the to-do list, we add another three things on. 

Maybe you want to plant a veggie garden or start going on hikes or start some sort of classes or even start your own business. Maybe you’ve always wanted to travel. Take a moment and think about what that thing is for you.

I know you’ll come up with a million reasons why you can’t do it, but I encourage you to think again. If you really spend time breaking down your passion or goal into small actionable steps, I’m sure you would realise there is at least one thing you can start today in pursuit of your dreams.


In short, we all go through seasons of uncertainty where we feel stuck in life. 

Perhaps it’s time you see those seasons as the very thing that sets you on your path to self-discovery and growth to finding yourself.