Are You Open To Forgiveness?

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When you think about forgiveness, what comes to mind?  

Is there an event or a person that you feel you simply can’t forgive?  


When you think of that person, what do you start to feel? Is it hatred, anger or even heartbreak?


Now think about how much energy is involved with holding onto that emotion. It starts to fill your body and your field with such heaviness. It’s that heaviness that’s weighing you down, slowing you down, making you feel like the world is against you. 


Is it really worth it?


Think about this...




I know those are strong words, but that poison is eating you up inside.


We live in a society where people continually judge others and don’t consider the outcome of their words and actions.


We get caught up in what that person did to us and we react from a place that perpetuates the problem.


But when you stop and feel into the core of your emotion and illuminate what is happening, you realise that hatred is eating you up and slowly killing the very essence of who you are.


You see the hatred you carry, isn’t harming the person who did you wrong, it’s harming you, it’s keeping you stuck in the past.


Stop allowing the past to still have a hold on your present, it’s stopping you from moving forward.


Forgiveness doesn’t mean, you forget or are justifying the wrong, it simply means you’re not willing to carry that poison within you any more.


Recognizing this is the first step to freeing yourself from the heaviness, and opening the door to the change that is required.



During this process, allowing your body the opportunity it needs to grieve, whenever it feels called to is crucial.  Once you allow yourself to feel the pain, most emotions will usually start to surface.


It’s witnessing those emotions that will allow you to free yourself from the past, from the wrong that was done to you or even the wrong that you may have done to someone else. 


As humans we tend to be the hardest on ourselves, so it shouldn’t surprise you that forgiving yourself is going to be tough, but with time, patience and empathy it will occur. 


You need to approach the wrong doing with compassion. Understand that the past cannot be changed, what’s happened has happened and one day you will realise the strength that has grown within you from that experience. 


As I said earlier, forgiveness doesn’t mean, you forget or are justifying the wrong, it simply means you’re not willing to carry that poison within you any more. 


Holding onto that phrase is what will help get you through this, because I can guarantee at times during this process you will revert back to ‘they don’t deserve to be forgiven’. This is when you must put yourself first and truly know that you are doing this for you, not them. 


It may take many times of coming back and revisiting these emotions before you can truly feel forgiveness, but once you do, you’ll be so proud of the person you have become.


It does the body good, to let the healing waters flow.




Uttering the words ‘I forgive you’ is the start of the next chapter of your story.


You might have to say it a thousand times before it gets any easier, but with each breath and each word uttered, you get lighter.


By grounding yourself and tapping into the energy Mother Earth has to offer, you can fuel yourself enough to hand over this heaviness to her.


You see, she has the strength to hold you and to help you transmute the energy you’re holding inside you.


Surrendering to the infinite creative energy that surrounds you and runs through you, will help bring a sense of calm and peace to your nervous system. Allow yourself the opportunity to reside in this space for as long as you can. This is the innate wisdom of your body healing the turbulence and offering you a more serene space to reside. 


I invite you to allow your Soul and your Nervous System to intertwine, this is an extremely powerful process that creates space for endless possibilities to erupt. 


And as the emotions and memories resurface, remember you have the power and the strength within, to calm the storm. 



Once the hatred has started to shift within your body, it’s time to integrate forgiveness. 


This process will start to change your perspective, you can start to appreciate the beauty of what you have done.


You have shifted your state of consciousness to a higher level, which is such a beautiful place to observe from.


When you live in the everyday hustle and bustle that exists in this world, it’s sometimes easy to get lost. Just remember, with everything you do, and everywhere you go, your higher self is right there, ready for you to access her.


Forgiveness is simply one of the access points to your higher self, but one that is crucial to your wellbeing. 


Now that you have forgiven or at least started to forgive the person you feel has wronged you, you can start to forgive yourself and ease the pain that you’ve been carrying.


When your pain starts to ease, you will start to recognise the same pain that resides within others.


It’s then, that you can share your wisdom and guide other souls to start their journey of forgiveness.


The healing process of forgiveness can create a ripple effect which can spark healing on so many levels.


It’s time to stop judging and start forgiving.


And when you’ve got to this point, recognise your strength.


Because you’ll never know how truly strong you are, until you forgive someone who isn’t sorry.


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