What Is Your Deepest Fear?


The first time I heard this poem, it literally stopped me in my tracks and brought tears to my eyes, and it still does.

I was watching the movie Coach Carter (one of my teenage sons' favourite movies) and I had never had a chance to actually sit down and watch it before.  Needless to say, when I finally did, it moved me beyond words (movies based on true stories always do).

My soul literally grabbed my heart to make sure I was listening.

It was one of those moments when you hear something and even though you’ve probably heard those words a hundred times before, this time it actually hit home.  Perhaps this time you heard it with an open heart.

I would love to know what reaction your body has.

Please find a quiet space and close your eyes and listen.  It will only take a minute of your time, so please let your heart and soul open to the words xx

"Our deepest fear" - from Coach Carter

Our deepest fear (edited)

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness

That most frightens us.

Your playing small

Does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine,

As children do.

It's not just in some of us;

It's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.

Thank you, Marianne Williamson, for your beautiful words.
(edited from the original)


Now that you’ve taken the time to connect with your soul’s authentic self, how do you feel?  

What emotions did you connect with while you were listening to those words? 

Did your soul speak to you?

Did you feel that spark flicker in your heart? 

Just imagine how incredible the world would be if each of us chose to shine our light.

My heart literally cracks open to those words, my energy expands multidimensionally and I can feel my energy mixing with Mother Earth and the Universe.  I can feel my soul aligning with the true reason I chose this particular moment in time to be here on Earth.

I chose to be who I am, to be of service to all humanity, to co-create with like minded souls and to shine a light on each person's uniqueness, to help them find their inner beauty and to believe in their purpose..

That may sound beautiful, but believe me I have travelled many dark nights of my soul to get to this place. That’s part of following your enlightened path, you must journey to those places you felt you never could. You must shed light on your deepest fears and embrace and thank them for helping to make you the person that stands before you now. 

2020 has been an incredibly challenging year, yet it has allowed so many the opportunity to go within and discover what is truly important to them. 

There has been great change this year and as we move into 2021, it’s this change that humanity needs to continue.  It’s up to us as a collective to feel into our beliefs and desires, not out of fear but out of love, compassion and kindness.  Humanity needs us all to tap into what truly matters and how WE as a collective can create a better world to live in.  We need to look at how we have been living and decide what we can change to become our best version.


The following emotions are all expressions of fear: hatred, anger, control, competition, aggression, worry, anxiety, distrust, disconnection, judgment, rigidity, separation, envy, jealousy, greed, comparison, resentment, dissatisfaction.

It’s easy for us to fall into this trap without even realising it, but it is also just as easy to pick ourselves up out of those feelings.

Do you compare yourself to others, what they have and how great they are?

Do you complain or engage in gossip and drama?

Do you judge other people or yourself?

Do you worry about the future; choosing a career based on fear, avoiding life experiences because of fear, altering your life due to fear.  Or do you have hidden motives and agendas; or take advantage of other people to get ahead.

Those words are heavy. I can literally feel the weight of them pressing down on me..

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best version of yourself, but wanting to be better than others or the first to do something, are all forms of fear and will lower your vibrational frequency dramatically.

Instead of fear motivating you and altering your decisions, let love guide you and trust that when you are motivated by love, everything will align.

Unfortunately society has learnt to get the best results out of us through fear based media, half the time we don’t even realise we’re acting out of fear. 

The best way to assure a more soul aligned energy is to go within.  Block out the outside world and listen to what you truly desire.

And if you’re fearless enough to go after your dreams and embrace your uniqueness, you can live in an overflow of abundance and harmony.  Step outside the 3D reality that you know and expand your energy with endless possibilities. 


I truly believe that life’s most impressionable lessons are ones where something bad happens to us or something challenging confronts us. It’s that precise moment that we need to stop and reconnect with our inner self.  Climb out of our head and into our heart and listen to what our soul is trying to tell us.  It’s that moment, we start to find out who we truly are.  We find out what we’re made of and what our souls' true purpose is.

1. Start journaling. Write about these 3 things;

  • How this event or fear has affected you. 

  • How it has changed your perspective on life or on this situation.

  • How you can see your potential after going through this.

To help you connect with these feelings pop over to my article on The Art of Emotional Embodiment

2. Make space for new growth. 

Let go of the issue that hurt you. 

Forgive yourself with love and gratitude for the lessons you have learnt.

Follow the link to my piece Are you open to forgiveness? Coming from a place of pure forgiveness allows you to be grateful for every event that happens, good or bad. 

3. Tune in to what feels essential to you.

Release what you will no longer tolerate.

Take note of what triggers you, so you can approach a situation  with love, not attack it with fear.

Figure out what truly lights you up, what makes you happy and what sparks that uniqueness within you.

Again please follow this link to help you tap into your soul's purpose. How To Align To Your Soul Purpose

It’s about tapping into your inner spirit, your soul's unique DNA and discovering the reason you chose to be here on Earth at this particular moment in time.


