How To Align To Your Soul Purpose

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When my father was coming to the end of his life in 2019, my days became filled with physical and emotional exhaustion. Life stepped up to test my beliefs and then, one day, I passed the test and stood up and shouted.


This is hard when you are the only person stepping up to help during a parent’s transition from the physical world to the spirit world. You feel as if you are insignificant in comparison.

During this time, I found myself returning to familiar patterns and reactions that I thought I had resolved and healed within myself; the beliefs that were drummed into me my entire childhood (and a large part of my adult life) had once again flared up to torment me.

So often, the things that we journey with the most become the things that so deeply intersect with our soul purpose. We embody and experience certain things to then heal and share them. My calling to liberating my own lineage (and supporting others to do the same), is so deeply connected with the experiences of my own life and family trauma.

There are a few things that I’ve established to help connect us deeper with our own healing and greater alignment with our soul purpose.

  1. Understand and acknowledge your shadow aspects

Through the time caring for my father, I started to feel INSIGNIFICANT, which triggered so many old patterns to resurface. Followed by the question: why do I allow myself to feel this way?

I know this is not true, but sometimes the shadow aspects of our healing archetype have much more strength then we give them credit. Curiosity and acknowledging these parts of ourselves - asking questions and exploring our emotions - can be so helpful to our own healing, but also what it is we’re being called to go deeper with.

My lead healing archetype is a NURTURER, so it’s no surprise I am right by my father’s side when he needs me the most. Unfortunately, the shadow to this archetype is ‘over giving’ and ‘poor self care’, this is something I have struggled with my entire life. A lot of healers struggle with this also, so we must allow our strengths to support our shadows and give back to ourselves.

2. Prioritising our self care

For a long while now, Sundays have become my time to stop, reflect, and receive for both my body and my soul. This has become a sacred practise for me to connect with myself and began as I started to recognise I was neglecting my own self care and healing.

I also do this throughout the week whenever I feel the need, but not to the same depth. Sunday is the day my soul knows she will be nurtured, the day I offer her my gifts. I show her, SHE IS SIGNIFICANT and I SURRENDER wholeheartedly.

I feel a sigh of relief as my soul says YES. I have allowed my mind to be in control this week out of necessity and when I finally surrender, I weep. I weep when I feel the LOVE my soul is offering me in return. She is welcoming me home and she fills my entire energy field with love and gratitude.

3. Practicing Love, Kindness, and Gratitude.

Love, kindness and gratitude feeds my soul. When life feels hard - as it inevitably does some days - coming back to these practises support and nourish me.

We are all human and we are all going to be tested. Learning to surrender and unite all aspects in every part of my life - Mind, Body, Soul, Energy, and Emotions - has been one of the greatest gifts I have learnt.

When we approach those challenging situations with love, kindness, and gratitude as our guiding light, it is much easier to come into alignment with a bigger purpose - a greater soul truth. When I spend the time surrendering to love, kindness, and gratitude in my life, I feel it move through all parts of me and it allows me to move through those more difficult days with grace and a lot more ease than it did when I used to completely shut down and react.

My body is happier, my nervous system and my emotions more calm, my mind becomes more clear and focused, my energy is amplified. My soul feels seen and heard. I create space to receive those soul messages into my awareness reminding me what my greater purpose is, pointing me in the direction of my next move or what I need to pay attention to.

Every day, my commitment to my soul’s purpose means that what comes up in my life is more than just a challenge or obstacle. So often it’s an indication of information I need to receive.

When we allow each aspect of our mind, body, energy, emotions, and soul to play its part, we open up and expand into aligning with our truth and your soul’s purpose.

When we feel life pulling us in different directions, we can be reminded of how important it is for all five aspects of ourselves to be aligned. It’s as simple as stopping, reflecting, and receiving whatever it is we need in that moment.

Some days it might be a messy cry to let out an overflowing of emotions. Other days, we might just need to move our body - to shake up old energy, but to also get the blood flowing through us. And sometimes, we need to feel held and supported by someone with the ability to do this.

The Investment In Your Soul Purpose Is Worth It

I wouldn’t have gotten through the passing of my father and who I was without being his carer if I hadn’t invested the time and energy to take care of myself, but also to seek support outside of me. Through bodywork - such as Network Chiro for my nervous system, and Zenthai Shiatsu for my body - through energy healing with a practitioner, and through cultivating my own practise, I’ve moved through this time in a way that is so different to how it would have been a few years ago.

As we take small steps and pick up breadcrumbs, we start to find ourselves along our journey to connecting with our bigger purpose - sometimes without even realising.

When you are aligned, your soul illuminates the path to create her legacy.

Are you ready to choose your soul purpose and see how the greater aspects of your life are pointing you towards it? Let’s chat. Book in a discovery call with me here - I would be so honoured to support you on your own journey.