What To Do When The World Feels Too Much

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It doesn’t matter whether you’re a highly sensitive soul or a CEO of a billion dollar company (or both), there are always going to be moments when everything gets too much. It can be in our general day to day, or during times like we have experience of late, during a global pandemic and a social uprising.

In a society where everyone and everything is go go go, when we are conditioned to glorify busy, our body and soul needs a dedicated time throughout the day and the week to breathe and be still. We have been taught to keep pushing through, that quitting is a weakness, and it is on us to unlearn that conditioning.

Here are a few ways to take care of yourself when the world feels too much:

  1. Come Back To Your Body

    When we feel stressed or out of control in our lives, we can escape our bodies and turn on autopilot mode. This is when our fight or flight response is activated and we are in a reactive mode.

    The quickest and simplest way to start moving into a place where we can find some peace and start to see more options ahead of us is through embodiment. Check out my post on the Art of Embodiment if you’re interested in trying it out for yourself.

  2. Commit To Connecting With Yourself

    When I was first starting out on my healing journey, coming back to myself was one of the most effective practises I started to commit to. It helped me to be with all parts of myself and see where I was being unkind or neglecting myself. Just observing without judgement.

    This one simple practise (that you can commit to yourself here) reminded me who I was outside of all the roles I fulfilled in the world for everyone else. It allowed me space to just work out who I truly was, without rules or restrictions.

  3. Practise Surrendering

    In energy and soul medicine, we talk a lot about the art of surrendering, but this has become a bit of a buzzword that may not make sense to everyone.

    This is a simple as:

    Acknowledge that moment when you realise everything is feeling a bit much and stop.

    Stop and just be in that moment.

    Feel the emotions and sensations moving through you and let them be.

    Take a few deep breaths.

As you inhale allow new energy to enter your body. Let it fill you up. Allow that breath to go right out into your fingers and down into your toes. Feel the way your body feels when you draw new energy in. Alive and vibrant.

And as you exhale release the energy that no longer serves you. Allow it to flow out of your body with love and gratitude for all that it has done for you. Allow it to go back to Mother Earth, so she can cleanse it and breathe new life into it.

Allow every cell of your body to feel cleansed and rejuvenated.

Releasing stale stagnant energy is extremely beneficial to your body, if you don’t, it gets stuck and causes blockages in your body which down the track will be a lot harder to remove than with a single breath.

Allow yourself these moments throughout the day. It only takes a few minutes to clear your energy which inevitably allows your energy field and your soul to expand.

Sometimes the world feels too much that even these seemingly simple practises can feel overwhelming. Throughout my healing journey, calling on friends, professionals, and healing practitioners has been the key, asking for help that I never felt worthy of reaching out for before.

This is just something else that we have been taught to think about our place in the world. Reaching out for help is - in itself - an act of courage and strength. If you need some support, please reach out and let’s chat about how I could support you.

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