How Juicing Helped Me Reclaim My Power

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Recently, I shared how connecting with my soul changed my life, and that is 100% hands down the truth.

When people ask me about my healing journey, this is the first thing I share, because it was so deeply transformational for me and I would never want to diminish the strength and healing my soul has given me.

But when my health was failing and my entire world was collapsing early on in 2018, I knew that if I was to give myself a fighting chance of healing my body that was shutting down, I had to take a holistic approach.

Juicing Was My Saviour

I knew my mind, body & soul needed a complete overhaul.

I needed to balance my work/rest ratio and my nutrition needed to be completely clean, not one processed food would pass my lips.

I learnt all I could about how my kidneys, adrenals, thyroid, liver, spleen and digestion worked. The list went on, but to top it off I had to figure out how to get my body to absorb the nutrients I was giving it. The entire year of 2017, I had taken thousands of dollars of naturopathic, homeopathic & pharmaceutical products and it had overloaded my body and now not one thing was being absorbed.

Through my research, reading, and learning everything I could, I decided to try juicing. It was the way I nutritionally helped my body to heal. If my body couldn’t digest food, I was going to make it easy and only consume liquid.

For four months, the only nourishment I gave my body was veggie juice. I felt like a walking encyclopedia with everything I had learnt about my body and nutrition, but it was working, my energy levels were increasing. I ever so slowly started to incorporate protein-rich foods and am now able to digest anything I eat and absorb its nutrients.

I still love my juice and drink it every day, I am extremely grateful for it’s healing properties and the energy it gives me.

Being Guided By My Body

I now know it’s so simple, and yet so complex at the same time. In fact, it goes against what many of us have been taught about nutrition and wellness. Instead of following pyramids of daily requirements and supplements, and fads, what if we learnt to listen to what our bodies were asking for?

When we are healthy, we can take for granted how effortlessly our body performs its basic functions. But when we become unwell, it can be a really disempowering experience. When we’re bouncing from professional to professional, not knowing all the information and trusting that they will guide us into what our body needs, over time, we can start to give our power away.

Learning as much as I could, researching, and carefully trying things that felt intuitively right for me, helped me to take my power back. Even to this day, I still have a support system of professionals to assist me on my healing journey, but as I started to trust myself more, I become so much more connected with what I really needed.

Listening to our body’s innate wisdom is a process, but with time, we can learn to tune in and let our body guide us.

Trying to comprehend everything at once can be overwhelming and feel like an impossible task. But it is possible - I know, because I’ve done it.

We can begin so simply, by listening to what our body is guiding us to do, what it’s craving, what keeps coming up for us. Slowly we can begin to rebuild that relationship we have lost touch with, start to trust our cravings and instincts, and become so intimately connected, that we start to slowly heal the parts of us that we had forgotten.

What Is Your Body Asking You For?

To get you started, you might like to sit quietly and ask yourself questions such as these:

How do I nourish my body?

Do I start my day with the best possible nutrients to maximize my energy?

What do I need right now or what is my body craving?

Beginning this relationship with my body has become one of the most valuable parts of my healing journey. I don’t have all the answers, and definitely don’t recommend or prescribe one way of optimising and maintaining your physical health. But if you’d like to check out some of my favourite juice recipes (people ask me for my favourites all the time), you can pop on over here and grab my juice recipes here for free (no sign up required).

And if you decide to try it out, please share a photo on Instagram and tag me @naturallynessa.healing so I can see!


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