Surrender To The Unknown To Access Quantum Energy

We’re taught as children to believe in the impossible.  That we can become anything we want to be, or do anything we want to do.  That the world is only limited by our imagination. We start our lives believing in our ability to create the life we choose.  Why then, do we allow that to change?

I always remember telling my children that you have to believe to receive.  That the beauty of living in the realm of believing is that anything is possible.  

Then we start to grow up, and all those dreams are replaced with our family and society telling us to stop being a daydreamer, get your head out of the clouds, start acting like a grown-up.

We push away those childish dreams and start creating a life that is tangible, one that we can physically see the fruits of our labour.

The problem with that is we’re created to do so much more.  After a while, the monotony of our day to day life starts to kill our soul.  Our spark starts to die because it’s our dreams that resource us.

But what if we didn’t spend the first part of our adult life pushing away those dreams?

What if we actually embraced them?

What if the very thing we were taught as a child was actually possible all along and we just stopped believing.

That’s where quantum physics steps in.  What if, instead of closing off our mind to the Universe, we actually embraced the ability we as humans have.

The ability to heal, to create, to manifest, to live in a world where our reality was only limited by our imagination.  You may think that sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, but it’s very real.

Being open to the Universe and the possibilities of quantum physics, allows the opportunity for limitless energy to be infused.

This is the moment when that magical spark occurs.  The serenity and calm of surrendering into the unknown meets the explosive creation of quantum energy.  Like the big bang, they collide in the pure nothingness to create a world where anything is possible.


Quantum Healing is something of a buzzword now in the spiritual community, but I find it completely fascinating.  This is not something that only energy healers know how to access, everyone has the ability to access quantum energy.  However, you may find co-creating with a practitioner will allow you to access places you may be unable to access alone.

Surrendering to the mystery of the unknown is how you access consciousness and quantum energy.

Consciousness is the pure essence of everything. 

It exists without our participation.

It’s the intelligence in all physical and non-physical things.

Depending on your culture or beliefs you may call it Lifeforce, Prana or Chi. 

Quantum healing is creating the intention you desire through your feelings.  This is why it’s so important to tap into the feelings and emotions that exist within your body.  We need to shift the vibration of energy trapped within us by alchemising future energy with the current moment.  Once alchemised you can send the energy back through your timeline and then allow the ripple to create the change into this moment in time.

The emotion and the energy of the feeling you connect with, is how you create the change.

When your Nervous System and your field have adapted to traversing the past and future, you expand into the Universe to alter the field multi-dimensionally.  You’re not only working in the subtle energy field that exists around you, but also far out in the multiverse.

Working in this way creates a physical, mental and emotional shift that will affect not only you, but those around you. It taps into the information in the field that is beyond our physical senses to create the desired shift.

This is why it’s so important to JUST BE...

No ulterior motive, no agenda, just love, acceptance and space to feel the full spectrum of the emotions that exist all around you and through you.

If you’re anything like I was, you’re probably wondering, but how do I get to that point?  

Surrender, Surrender, Surrender.


Without reading any further, can you feel the difference in the energy between those 2 words?

When I ask my clients to feel the difference between stress and surrender, many say, ‘But I don’t really have any stress’.  I know that’s exactly what I used to say and think.  We get so caught up with things that are going on in our life, that we don’t even realise how much stress we are actually putting on our bodies.

We aren’t meant to be continually turned on and wired into the world.

So stop for a minute and do this simple exercise.

Picture something in your life that brings you anxiety or worry or even that person that makes your tummy churn when you think of them.  Really feel into the energy of how you feel when you’re near them or in that moment.  For me, I feel my shoulders tighten and lift closer to my ears, my breath becomes more shallow and my heart starts to beat faster and I feel sick.  I can literally feel everything in my field contract.

Now put that out of your mind and picture something in your life that brings you joy to your heart, that creates a sense of calm and relaxation, that makes you want to close your eyes and savour every moment.  Just sit in that space for a moment. That is the space that our body, heart and soul want us to reside.  The effects it has on the body are completely opposite.  My shoulders drop, I take deep long-lasting breaths, my eyes close and I want to stay there forever.

That is how our body should feel.

Our Nervous System is calm, our body is relaxed, this is the pure bliss of surrendering.

Wouldn’t you prefer to be in that state of calm all the time?  I know that’s a silly question, but sometimes it’s the simplest things that we completely ignore.  Try and find a moment in between phone calls or when you’re driving home from work or even when you walk to get some lunch.  Remind yourself how important it is to give back to yourself.  This is something we can never do too much of.

We can change our energy with one simple thought.  How incredible is that?


This is stepping into the next level of consciousness - accessing multiple levels within the field; subtle body and light body combined with soul field and quantum energy. 

But let me first ask you; Do you know where your light body is? Does it feel like it’s in your body or out in the Universe?

The reason I ask is, your light body can be either, depending on whether you are an internal or external body type and whether you are actually embracing your true state. 

An internal is someone who finds solitude within their own body and an external is ignited by the energy out in the Universe.  Both connect with the Universe, but in different ways.  Feel into your energy to feel whether you go deep within to connect with the cosmic flow of the Universe or whether you expand out.

I am very much an external type, yet most of my life I have lived as an internal.  I’ve found that sensitive external body types may have learned to live in their bodies as a sanctuary from the outside world and have always felt the need to cocoon themselves to feel safe.  Whereas, a sensitive internal may have never felt safe in their body due to trauma and identify more with the perspective of their higher self.  These show two ways we may live opposite to our true nature. This is a very personal exploration, neither of which is better than the other, simply another way to help you understand yourself.

You will also find, like most things, there is a full spectrum of emotions and feelings that go along with this and once you embrace who you are, you won’t be aware of either, just the infinite flow of the Universe.

Accessing your light body allows you to connect multidimensionally to your soul.  This is where you start to have a deeper relationship with your soul and you embody the pure essence of who you are.  Not the person society made you, or the person you believed you were when you’re all alone, but the deep cellular knowing of the essence of your soul.

If you have always had an unhealthy relationship between your masculine and feminine, your light body will be of great benefit to you.

Do you desire to bring the codes of your light grid into your body? Or are you looking for a way to grow the flow of light in your field?  Both are two different ways of working with your light body.

If you have always seen the masculine as a rigid, dominant energy you will find embodying your light body (the bioenergetics) is actually what you desire to create the energy shift because the light body is the masculine.  Or if you have always seen the feminine as an airy, fairy, flow of energy like a river that flows everywhere but never achieves anything, you may find tapping into your light body and allowing it to merge with your subtle body is how you will create the energy shift, because the subtle body is the feminine.

Your light body works at light speed, it connects with you to create the shift in a crystalline form and then it moves like a spinning Merkaba.  You will find this activation occurs in your Pineal Gland.

As you move into the higher levels of consciousness you will begin to notice the benefits of awakening your light body.

All your uncertainty and questions are answered, life becomes clearer and your path on this planet becomes infused with the light codes of your soul.

Before experiencing it, I had heard it being described as a doorway to a higher level of consciousness.  And I would have to agree.

If diving into Quantum Energy is something that seems out of your reach or something you would like a little guidance with ‘Ignite your Multi-Dimensional Luminosity’ might be exactly what you’re looking for.  This is the fifth pillar of my Liberate Your Lineage program. If this has sparked some curiosity in you, please reach out for a chat. I also offer a free 30-minute discovery call to help you feel into the container of this program.



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